What to expect

What to expect

When you book an appointment online or via phone or email, we will get your contact information, go over our service policies, and set up your appointment. You can download “new patient forms” from our website, print, fill out and bring to your appointment, or arrive about 15 minutes early to fill it in our clinic.

A typical first visit usually takes about 90 minutes. In the first session (about 30 minutes), you will receive an initial evaluation, which includes a tongue and pulse diagnosis, taking a thorough intake and health history, and making specific treatment plan on individual base, such as estimated number of acupuncture sessions and expected goals. This is then followed by an acupuncture session (60 minutes). Based on the medical determination, some other complementary TCM treatments, such as cupping, moxibustion, guasha may also be included in the session. We will also provide necessary self-care and herbal recommendation (in case you need them) before you leave. Our health practitioners will reach out to you for follow-up recommendations and answer questions you may have.

Acupuncture has recognized effect such as stimulating the blood and energy circulation restoring the immune systems and healing by yourself. Because of that, some people may feel relaxed, whereas other people feel a little tired after the treatment. Those are normal. After the acupuncture treatment, we recommend our patients to rest for a few hours, drink plenty of water to absorb the stimulated energy which your acupuncture session brings in and take maximal therapeutic benefit. Most people will feel more comfortable or revived at the second day after the acupuncture treatment.

For follow-up visits, we will spend the first 15 minutes to take a brief intake, and then you will take acupuncture session for about 45 minutes as well as other recommended TCM modalities. During this time we will prescribe customized formulas of Chinese herbs and prepare them for you if needed.