Herb medicine

Herb medicine

Chinese herbal medicine, which plays a regular medical role both in history and in present China, is an integral component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Based on the investigation and practice in TCM’s long history of thousand years, more than 4000 herbal medicines have been documented systematically with regard to their therapeutic functions, clinical indications, herbal interactions etc.

Besides the TCM hospitals, most general Western medicine hospitals in China have their own TCM departments and herbal medicine facilities. Chinese herbal medicine fulfills general therapeutic functions, with especially amazing effects in treating the clinical conditions for which Western medical treatments failed or in cases in which patients cannot tolerate Western medications. These conditions include, but are not limited to the following: auto-immune diseases, cancers, viral infections, allergy, endocrine disorders, hypertension, menopause symptoms, menstrual disorders, infertility, general fatigue, aging, and health maintenance.

Chinese herbal medications are administered as extracts of the whole composition from plant using procedure of the TCM herbal preparation, rather than as purified single compound.  One single medicinal herb can contain a huge complex of organic and mineral compounds, and therefore carries a unique, organic and “mature” therapeutic power.  These herbs stimulate the body’s self-healing ability according to TCM principles, and can therefore help solve the patient’s health problems.  Better therapeutic response is always achieved by the combination of herbal medicine with acupuncture and/or other TCM healing measures.

The Chinese herbs used in our clinic are those that are most commonly used – safe, effective and with no adverse side-effects. They are 100% natural, prepared from raw materials grown in China and Taiwan. Dr. Hua diagnoses each patient and formulates (prescribes) a specific herbal combination containing whole extracts of 5 to 16 herbs.  The whole extracts from each individual herb have been dried and formed into to fine granules, to make it easy to mix them thoroughly together to make a specific herbal formulation for each patient.

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